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Activities and Athletics

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School Extra-Curricular Activities programme.

Welcome to the new school year and what promises to be a busy ECA and Panthers Athletic programme. A vital part of student life and learning at BBIS, our ECA programme provides students with opportunities to explore new interests, develop their strengths and pursue their passions. Open to all students, the programme is founded on the notion of breadth of opportunity, encouraging self-discovery and empowering students to take appropriate risks while exploring their capabilities. Our diverse programme allows students to enjoy success beyond the classroom as they build leadership and social skills and an understanding of group dynamics. Most importantly, through experience they learn how to approach both success and failure, developing an understanding of the value of commitment and responsibility. ECA’s invigorate life at BBIS by bringing students together for creative, athletic, leadership and other endeavours and as such they are a vital part of student learning.

Initially, ECA’s are available for our Grade 1 to Grade 12 students. Recognising that our Early Education students will have a lot of adjusting to do whilst acclimatising to new routines, they will have the opportunity to join the ECA programme in Season 3. The ECA programme includes activities led by teachers as well as others led by external coaches. The activities on offer vary depending on age, and all activities are aimed at supporting students in broadening their interests, building their social skills and developing their resilience and perseverance. The three seasons allows students to try a number of new activities throughout the school year. A broad range of opportunities are offered in each season, meaning that students are challenged to make decisions and to prioritise their interests, time and energy. Teachers and parents work with students to make sure they are not over-extended and maintain a healthy balance. Students are encouraged to discuss their preferences in the ECA programme with their parents and to complete the Schoolsbuddy request sign-up form together.

Through the ECA Programme students are able to try a number of new activities in each of the three activity seasons, which is important during this crucial period of self-exploration and personal growth. While many activities are offered as a single season sign-up, some ask students to commit to participation for at least two seasons because of the project-based nature of the activity (The Duke of Edinburgh International Award for example). Many of these longer activities challenge students to build leadership, social skills and an understanding of group dynamics as well as enhancing task proficiency, as they work together towards a common goal.

I hope this gives you a flavour of what is on offer at BBIS. It is sure to be a challenging and fun filled year and I’m sure as I do, you look forward to seeing our students on stage, on the sports field and further afield developing their experiences and skills.

Best wishes,

Steve White
Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator


Season 3 (10 weeks)
Starts 24 March 2025
Finishes 13 June 2025


Registration for Panthers athletic teams and ECAs is only done online, and information about available activities and timings can be found on our school's website. The registration platform for Panthers athletics and ECAs is called SchoolsBuddy and you access SchoolsBuddy through iSAMS. You need to register while using iSAMS on your browser; registration is not possible while using the iSAMS app.


1. How signup works

  • This signup requires you to make choices and submit these choices to the school for your activities for this period. The school will then allocate activities based upon your selections and the group's size.

  • There may be options for each day. Only select options for a day if you want to take part in an activity for that day.

  • Once you have selected your choices, please click REVIEW & CONFIRM to see an overview of your preferences before clicking the COMPLETE AND SEND ALL TO SCHOOL button.

  • After you have sent your choices to the school you will not be able to edit them.

2. Make choices

  • Preference selections are limited to Weekly.

  • WEEKLY: Select up to 5 top preferences for the week. Make your first choice 'preference1', your second choice 'preference2' and so on. You may only select ONE 'preference1', 'preference2', 'preference3', etc across the week. The system will not let you select P1 twice in the week. To change your P1 choice first untick the current P1 choice.

  • When complete, move onto the next day.

3. Submit to school

  • To save your preferences to complete later choose SAVE FOR LATER. If you want to review all of your choices click REVIEW & CONFIRM.

  • If during review you want to SUBMIT your choices to the school click on COMPLETE AND SEND ALL TO SCHOOL button. You will need to agree to terms & conditions set by the school.

4. Await allocation

  • When the signup period closes, school staff will begin the task of allocating students their preferred choices where possible. Following allocation you will receive an email notifying you of your allocated activities. You can then use SchoolsBuddy to view all of these activities in your SchoolsBuddy diary.

Join Requests

After the allocation, parents will be notified through SchoolsBuddy of the confirmed ECAs for their child(ren). “Join requests” will then open, allowing parents to see the remaining spots available for ECAs. The join requests go directly to the ECA leader who accepts the join requests (based on any open spots) in the order they were received.

Programme Overview

Our ECA programme can be categorised as follows:

Arts and Performance: Promoting visual, auditory and movement expression. Originality, collaboration and perseverance and important skills here. Examples on offer include BBIS Co-Curricular Instrumental Music Programme, the Berlin International Music Project, Musical Mania, Choir, Orchestra, music ensembles, rock band, dance, Drama Production and more.

Create and Innovate: Encouraging students to unleash curiosity, generating new possibilities and alternative ideas. Students are encouraged to be original and adaptable and to improvise working with a range of materials and contexts. Examples on offer include coding, calligraphy, Lego, Minecraft, Art around the World, Python Beginners, Robotics, STEM, gardening and more.

Mind Matters: Requires students to inquire, question, make connections and extend their understanding. Students focus on problem solving, analysis and evaluation in a variety of different settings with age-appropriate support. Examples on offer include Chess, Math Club, Board games and more.

Wellness for Life: Develops an understanding of the relationship between a healthy body and a healthy mind. The value of self-discipline, awareness and confidence are important aspects of these activities as students pay attention to their bodies and minds and the connections between them. Examples on offer include rock climbing/bouldering, yoga, recreational sport, karate and more.

Lead and Learn: Communicating and leading through collaboration in diverse settings. Students assume shared responsibility and resolve issues whilst working with others. Flexibility, adaptability and cooperation are required here to develop trust and influence as a leader. Examples include: MUN, United World Schools, Green Team, Student Athletic Council, Student Council, Gender and Sexuality Alliance, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and more.

Representative Sport: BBIS belongs to the German International Schools Sports Tournaments and the European Sports Conference. Participation in representative sport promotes confidence, resilience and commitment throughout a wide variety of competitive environments. Commitment, dedication, responsibility and sportsmanship are cornerstones of our programme and essential components of sport. Examples of opportunities for our Under 14, Junior Varsity and Varsity teams include football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, track and field, swimming, cross country, table tennis and tennis.

The ECA programme is conducted during lunchtime and after school hours. The schedule varies based on the activity.

Lunchtime ECAs: Secondary; held anytime within 11:05-11:55.
After school ECAs: Primary Grades 1-5; 15:00-16:25. There are no ECAs for EE students until Season 3.
After school ECAs: Secondary; starting at 15:00 and ending from 16:15 or depending on the activity until 17:30 (coaches will confirm this).


Open communication is essential for a successful extra-curricular experience. Please keep your contact information updated, and regularly check emails, newsletters, and the school's online platforms for updates and announcements related to the programme.

We encourage parents to engage in meaningful conversations with the ECA leaders to stay informed about their child's progress.

If you have a comment or concern, please direct your comment/concern to the ECA leader or the Activities Coordinator directly. For any questions regarding a specific ECA, please contact the ECA leader directly.

Attendance and Participation

Regular attendance is crucial for the benefit of your child and the success of the programme. If your child cannot attend a session, please notify the ECA leader in advance. Consistent participation helps your child develop skills, build friendships, and contribute to the overall team or group dynamic. Once selected, attendance is a requirement for those taking part in BBIS representative teams and school performances such as The Prom and BIMP.

Code of Conduct

We expect all students to uphold high standards of behaviour during the extra-curricular activities. Respect, inclusivity, and responsibility are paramount. School behaviour rules apply to all ECAs and athletics at BBIS. There is a separate Student Athlete Code of Conduct that all student athletes and their parents must sign prior to the start of an athletic team at BBIS.

Any violations of the code of conduct will be addressed promptly, and appropriate consequences will be applied. Good people make good athletes!

Safety and Supervision

Your child's safety is our primary concern. We maintain good practice and safety measures during all activities. Our staff and instructors are trained to provide supervision and handle emergencies effectively. Only students who are registered in after school ECAs are permitted to remain on campus after 15:00. After a student’s ECA ends, they are to promptly leave campus and return home.

Primary students that finish an afternoon ECA at 16:15 and if taking the late bus will be escorted by their ECA leader and directly supervised by their ECA leader until the late bus departs promptly at 16:30.

Students are not allowed to remain on campus after school and watch their friends’ ECAs. This includes the sports hall, students are not allowed to be in the balcony/bleachers to watch sport practices/ECAs after school.

Fees and Payment

Participation in the ECA programme may have associated fees. Please refer to the ECA details during registration for specific fee information.

External paid ECAs must be paid in advance, directly to the ECA leaders.

Internal free ECAs do not have a fee.

Internal paid ECAs have a fee, and the fee is listed in the ECA description. There is a two week trial period for internal paid ECAs and this two week trial ends on the Friday of the second week of the ECA term. All cancellations must go through SchoolsBuddy no later than the Friday of the second week of the ECA term. Please note that direct e-mails from parents/guardians to the ECA leaders, school secretaries, finance office, and/or Activities Coordinator are not accepted for cancellation. ECA Cancellations must be made through SchoolsBuddy.

Term 1 ECA: One ECA costs 100 euros, two or more ECAs is 95 euros each.

Beginning on Monday of the third week of the ECA term, the BBIS finance office will begin issuing invoices for the term’s ECAs.

Any families with overdue payments to BBIS will not have their ECAs allocated until all payments have been received by the accounting office.

Any families with overdue payments to BBIS external ECA providers will not have their ECAs allocated until all payments have been received by the external providers.


For students that require transportation home in the afternoon, there is a late bus service for Berlin and Potsdam that departs behind House 3 at 16:30 during all ECA terms.

Please note that the late bus only operates in ECA weeks. The late bus is a free service that is covered by the ECA programme.

PotsdamBus transport services follow established safety protocols, and designated drop-off points are provided. Please note that the drop off points for the ECA Late Bus differ for the regulat school transport.

Any questions about PotsdamBus GmbH service:

+49 (0)3 32 03 - 88 49 25

Late bus schedule schedule

For any secondary school ECAs that end later than 16:25, students are responsible for their own transportation home.

Special Considerations

If your child has any medical conditions, allergies, or specific needs, please inform the ECA leader in advance. We strive to provide a supportive environment for all participants.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am having trouble with my registration. Can you register my children for me?

No. Please e-mail He is our tech support for ECA registration. Please try Google Chrome while registering. This is the recommendation from Elvis.

We really enjoyed (insert name) ECA last term. We didn’t see it listed online in SchoolsBuddy. Will it be offered this term?

If you don’t see the ECA, then it is not being offered this term. Some teachers and staff prefer to vary the ECAs that they offer.

I really am interested in (insert name) ECA this term. I have a few questions about it.

Please e-mail the staff member who is offering the ECA. They are the best and most complete resource for the ECA that they offer.

Why are the sports different for each term?

We follow the competition schedule for our conferences when we schedule Panther Athletics during the year. After the conference competitions are over, we are preparing for the next round of sports. We do not have the space, time and/or coaches to offer every sport for every term. If your child wants to participate in a year-round sport, joining a Berlin or Brandenburg sport club might be a good option for your child.

If we want to continue the same ECAs from one term to the next, do we need to sign up again?


If we were in an ECA for a term and don’t want to continue, do we need to cancel?

No. Registration starts over for each term.

I am locked out of iSAMS.

E-mail He is our tech support.

I have questions about my student’s ECAs.

E-mail the ECA leader.

What is an internal ECA?

An internal ECA is run by BBIS staff and any applicable fees are billed directly from BBIS to the families.

What is an external ECA?

An external ECA is run by a non-BBIS staff member. The external ECAs have different fees and payment procedures.

We want to quit an external ECA.

  1. Please contact the ECA leader directly.

  2. You still may be responsible for the fees, depending when you cancelled.

  3. Do not contact the Activities Coordinator; the ECA leader is your point of contact.

We want to quit an internal ECA.

In the first two weeks, you can withdraw free of charge. Cancel directly through SchoolsBuddy to withdraw. After the third week, you will be charged the ECA fees.

We are in the primary school and we did not receive any messages about our ECA in ManageBac.

Correct. The ECA programme does not use ManageBac. The ECA programme uses the iSAMS Parent Portal. The communications from the ECA leaders include payment information.

I have a question/comment/suggestion for the ECA programme. Is a parent chat group the best place for this discussion?

No. Please use this form for all Athletics and ECA communication for the Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator. Using this form allows for our team to have access to all the questions, comments and suggestions--allowing for better organisation/assistance and ensuring correct information is given out.

We have signed up for Prime Youth, Pottery and Sculpting, or a different external ECA. Do we have to pay for the ECA in advance of it starting each term?

Yes. The external ECA providers have a different payment schedule.

My child is sick and will not attend the ECA today/tomorrow. Who should I e-mail?

If your child is sick, e-mail the ECA leader directly. Please do not e-mail the Activities Coordinator.

Primary School ECA's

Here is a brief description of some of the ECA’s that are on offer during Season 2. Further details including days and costs is included on the BBIS registration platform, SchoolsBuddy

Primary Lunch ECA

  • Typing Club (Thursdays Grades 4-5)

Do you want to improve your typing skills? Join this lunchtime ECA and work on your typing using your EdAlive Typing Tournament school account. You will build up your skills and work toward touch typing. Students must bring their iPads and Keyboards.

  • Future problem solving (Friday Grades 3-5)

Students learn to thoroughly research and analyse real world issues then apply a 6-step creative problem-solving process to develop relevant action plans within the realms of writing/storytelling.

Primary After School ECA

  • Drama Club (Wednesday Grades 4-5)

Drama for all.Show tunes to Shakespeare fun! Learn to act by putting scripts and songs together to make a show every term. We will work on performance skills and presentation to build confidence and mostly have a lot of fun doing it. No experience needed. Just show up.

  • Primary Math Club (Thursday Grades 3-5)

Students will work on problem solving questions as well as practice competition type questions.

  • Making New from Old (Monday Grade 1-5)

Unleash your creativity by using recycled materials to design and make toys, games or sculptures. The choice of what to make is entirely yours and you can make something different each week or develop a project over a number of weeks.

  • World Creations Studio (Thursday Grades 1-2)

This ECA is designed to foster students' creativity, ignite their curiosity about the world around them, and provide a fun, engaging experience! Participants will explore a wide range of art materials, including paper, textiles, clay, wood, and a vibrant selection of paints, pastels, and colored pencils. Together, we will dive into various artistic styles and immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of different cultures, inspiring personal expression and a deeper understanding of the world.

  • Pottery (Tuesday and Wednesday Grades 1 – 12)

In this ECA, students will learn how to work with the medium of clay. They will learn how to make vessels/sculptures using their hands. They can feel free to use their imagination and creativity to make clay works, vessels and abstract forms. Also, the first few sessions they will be taught how to use the sculpting tools and how to tackle the problems associated with clay. We will use different types and colours of clay as well as applying glaze to colour the sculptures.

  • Lego (Friday Grades 2-4)

As part of the Fall ECA programme, we would like to extend an invitation to our grade 2-4 students to enrol in the LEGO Robotics ECA on Fridays. This fun, unique and stimulating STEM class, facilitated by the Temmert Family of BBIS, brings certified LEGO® Serious Play® facilitation, and is aligned with the professional LEGO® Education Curriculum, with some bonuses!

The class includes elements of Mindfulness, Physics Experiments, Design Thinking and Lean Concepts whilst teaching real world problem solving, creative building solutions, innovation strategies, teamwork and programming. This class is not just play! Students will work in teams to solve challenges with increasing levels of difficulty. It also provides a taste of the future of learning and we highly recommend you brighten up your Fridays with this fun class.

  • Rock Climbing (Wednesday and Friday Grades 3 - 12)

This beginner-intermediate level climbing ECA covers essential knots, how to belay (older participants), basic technique, and how to train. Safety is essential, and we focus each session on partner checking. We start with warm ups and stretching before we climb on top ropes. Climbing shoes are helpful, but not essential.

  • F1 in Schools (Monday Grade 5)

A fully-resourced STEM and Design & Technology program, engaging students aged 9-11
through a truly cross-curricular activity.

  • Basketball Skills (Thursday Grade 3 -5)

Join Coach Erika and players from the Varsity Girls' Basketball Team and develop your game! Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, this ECA offers skills training in ball handling, shooting, defense, and team play. Gain confidence, improve your fundamentals, and get the guidance you need to elevate your game. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and have fun on the court!

  • American Flag Football (Wednesday Grades 6-9)

American Flag Football is a game that uses flags attached around the waist to be pulled off instead of tackling an opponent. This makes the game much safer and more attractive for student participants.

  • Prime Youth Chess Club (Monday Grades 1 - 6)

Led by Roman, a former chess competitor from Ukraine, our sessions are tailored to cater to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced players. Through interactive lessons, fun puzzles, and friendly matches, children will develop critical thinking skills, strategic planning abilities, and enhance their concentration—all while having a blast!

  • Prime Youth Young Boulderers (Tuesday Grades 2 - 4)

Students learn and practice a variety of climbing-related activities in a structured and non-competitive environment. The main goal of this activity is to introduce young climbers seeking to advance their skills in a positive environment using the bouldering wall. Personal goal setting is encouraged through coach mentoring.

  • Prime Youth DJ & Music (Tuesday Grades 4 - 8)

STEM activities include remixing tunes, experimenting with music production software, and learning about different types of music. Prime Youth provides real DJs with real DJ equipment for each child to enjoy!

  • Prime Youth Dance, Music and Theatre (Wednesday Grades 2 - 4)

Lydia is a performance artist and will lead a fun-filled creative movement lesson exploring singing, acting and dancing! Sessions will consist of learning the basics of choreography, voice-control and getting into character! The program aims to build confidence in the students while giving them a space to express themselves and have fun!

  • Prime Youth Table Top Role Play Games (Wednesday Grades 3 - 5)

Carl is an experienced educator, familiarizing students with all the key components of TTRPGs (Table Top Role Playing Games); world-building, character creation, teamwork, improvisation, problem-solving, collaborative storytelling and play. Students craft a unique fantasy world where characters work together through a series of adventures to achieve a shared goal. Students learn through failure and success, and ultimately a great story is made up of both.

  • Prime Youth Multisports: Football, Flag Football, Basketball (Thursday Grades 4 - 5)

This Multisport programme offers sessions in ball sports such as; basketball, football and flag football. The focus is on building strong fundamental movement skills and body awareness, in an engaging and enjoyable training environment.

  • Prime Youth Science Club (Thursday Grades 4 - 5)

We introduce the scientific method by conducting fun experiments and activities! Kids will develop a love of science and receive the confidence to continue studying science further up their schooling. Activities are aimed at children aged 8 to 11 and are designed to capture their imagination and to spark a love of hands-on practical science, using simple household materials.

  • Prime Youth Multisports: Football & Hockey (Tuesday and Friday Grades 1 - 3)

Alternating days of Football and Floor Hockey. The focus is on building strong fundamental movement skills and body awareness, in an engaging and enjoyable training environment. Days will be filled with learning basic skills of the game from experienced and passionate coaches. The main goal of this activity is to allow kids to enjoy developing their fundamental movement skills in different engaging environments

  • External Instructor ECA Music classes

All one to one, instrument classes are scheduled directly with the teacher due to availability between 3pm and 8pm on school days. No experience required and all levels welcomed. Instruments are either provided or rentals can be arraigned for students. Instrument classes available include: Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano, Voice, Trumpet, Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Cello. Note: these classes have different hours and prices then other ECA's. Please contact Joe Smith, the Co-Curricular Music coordinator for more information and to sign up at:

Unfortunately guitar lessons with Gary Norman are at full capacity and so he won't be able to accept new students for the summer term. However, Gary is starting new group classes on Saturdays and would be happy to offer places to BBIS students.

These classes will include individual lessons and groups for Beginner Guitar and Beginner Ukulele. Intermediate groups are also possible depending on interest. The lessons will take place at EigenART Studio in Prenzlauer Berg. For more information on availability and costs please contact

Secondary School ECA's

Here is a brief description of some of the ECA’s that are on offer during Season 2. Further details including days and costs is included on the BBIS registration platform, SchoolsBuddy

Secondary lunch time ECA

  • BBIS Secondary Choir (Thursday Grades 6-12)

After ending the last season with a chorus trip to Dresden, we continue our chorus programme with great success. Students not only learn a diverse repertoire, singing techniques, and artistic communication but they also build a special group with new friends across grade levels. The chorus will perform with other invited singers at the Berlin International Music Project at the beginning of March, and will participate in other chorus festivals, and competitions. E-mail to:

  • Green team (Thursday Grades 6-12)

Green Team is a club committed to reducing BBIS's impact on the environment. Students interested in sustainable projects at BBIS and in collaboration with other international schools in Berlin work together to make our school community more sustainable. We meet every Thursday during lunch time in room 5337. No registration required. Students can also use their Green Team participation for their CAS portfolio.

  • GSA (Friday Grades 6-12)

The Gender and Sexuality Alliance is a student-led club found in secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities, that is intended to provide a safer and more supportive environment for non-binary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer children and teenagers, as well as their cisgender heterosexual allies. GSAs can help to make schools safer for students and play a role in reducing the negative impact of bullying and harassment experienced by some LGBTQ+ students. All students in Grade 6-12 are invited to attend! Meeting in the MPR at lunch.

  • IRIS Book Club (Tuesday Grades 6-12)

Read and discuss the 12 books on the IRIS MYP Novels list. Vote for your favourite title that you believe deserves to win the 2025 Iris Book Award. On 26 March, 2025 13:00--15:00 show what you know about the books during the IRIS Book Bowl, a friendly quiz competition among other international schools.

  • MUN (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

Model United Nations, also known as MUN, is a student-led extra-curricular activity. Students roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. It is an opportunity for students to learn more about diplomacy, international relations and the United Nations, and to develop practical skills in research, debate and conflict resolution.

In previous years, students had the opportunity to attend at least one local Berlin conference BerMUN at JFK School and one MUN conference in another country. The most popular annual trip was to New York, including an excursion to the United Nations itself.

Our MUN club is open to enthusiastic and committed students from grade 7 upwards. Please come and join us! Students should bring their lunch each session. The club is free but conference participation fees are extra.

  • Neuroscience Club (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

The Neuroscience Club is for any student from Grades 6 through 12 who has an interest in how the nervous system works and the neurological basis of behaviour. Beginners and experienced learners are all welcome. Our sessions will be based on simple and repeatable experiments that reveal more about how we perceive, think and act. These will be supported with theory and guest appearances by neuroscientists. Students in Grade 8 upwards will have the opportunity to take part in the regional Berlin competition of the Deutsche Neurowissenschaften-Olympiade (DNO) in March 2025. The top 15 students qualify for the National competition that takes place in Frankfurt in April/May and a chance to represent Germany at the International BrainBee. We might also have the possibility to take part in the annual Brain Awareness Week to meet neuroscientists working at the Charite, MDC, Humboldt University and the Berlin School of Brain and Mind.

  • Social Justice Committee (Tuesday Grades 6-12)

The SJC raises awareness about social issues such as the ones described in their zines. We organise events, volunteer, and discuss racial and social justice issues at BBIS and with other international schools around the globe. Join us, Tuesdays in room 3210 (MPR), to take action and be an activist. All students in Grade 6-12 are invited to attend! Meeting in the MPR at lunch.

  • Sunflower Club (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

Sunflower Club is for all students 6-12 grade. It is specifically a safe place for students with hidden disabilities because they have the chance to be themselves. There is no judgement. Our goal is to educate our school community about hidden disabilities and to create a safer place for all students in general. During club meetings we organise upcoming events, create presentations and activities for students, have fun, and learn about hidden disabilities through our own experiences and storytelling. This club is mainly just to create a safe space for everyone and to educate our school community. We all support each other. No judgement is allowed and if you want to use this as either Service as Action of CAS, you will be expected to contribute. Meeting in the MPR at lunch.

  • United World Schools (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

Help us fundraise €10,000 to support our partner school in Cambodia. Give freely of your time and energy so that others less privileged also have access to education. This is service learning at the local level for a global cause. At the UWS club, students help to raise funds to support our 150 student large UWS partner school - O’Swy. Volunteers learn how to collaborate and engage in authentic community service. We make a real difference in the lives of the O-Swy community by fully funding the school and UWS maintains the community water well, sanitation blocks, library, and school garden. By raising funds for the Cambodian community, BBIS students are learning how to run publicity and manage successful marketing campaigns, become committed leaders and engage with the global community. Learn new skills - come and join us - no special talents needed - only a firm commitment to the cause.

  • Paw Print Magazine. (Friday Grades 6-12)

The newspaper club produces the school magazine, the Paw Print, which comes out monthly. Students who attend the ECA will have the opportunity to write for and edit the magazine. They should expect to write one article per issue, but may contribute more if they wish. We are also looking for cartoonists and photographers. The club meets every other week, on Fridays in Week B. Anyone interested should get in touch with Mr Ware.

  • Samba Band (Mondays Grades 8-12)

Interested in samba drumming? It's a fun, exciting and community-based music genre from Brazil. It's designed to be loud and proud! If you like rhythm, playing music with others and can keep a steady beat we'd love to see you. We meet every Monday at 11:05am in P8. We will be performing at 2 sporting events at BBIS this summer. So come and join us!

Secondary After School ECA

  • BBIS Secondary Orchestra (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

Week A will be after school
Week B will be at lunchtime

We continue our orchestra program with great success. Students not only learn a diverse repertoire, instrumental playing techniques, and artistic communication but they also build a special group with new friends across grade levels. The orchestra will perform with other invited musicians at the Berlin International Music Project at the beginning of March, and will participate in other music festivals, and competitions. Email to:

  • DofE (Friday Grades 9-12)

An outdoor educational programme. A life-changing experience. A fun time with friends. An opportunity to discover new interests and talents. A tool to develop essential skills for life and work. A recognised mark of achievement; respected by employers. The DofE is many things to many people, supporting generations to successfully navigate adult life.14-24 year-olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze (14+ years old), Silver (15+ years old) or Gold (16+ years old) Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.

Any young person can do their DofE – regardless of ability, gender or background. Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries. Through a DofE program young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive, enhancing CVs and uni and job applications.

All participants will need equipment such as appropriate sleeping bags / clothing for outdoor expeditions / backpack etc. Some things can be borrowed from the school, however, resources are limited. All participants are required to have completed a first aid training course. If this is needed, it can be organized privately or through the school if there is enough interest. Tents, cooking equipment & navigation equipment will be provided by the school. Additional costs: 15EUR then covers you under the DofE Germany insurance during the expeditions. Roughly EUR (Bronze) / 200EUR (Silver) per Expedition costs. Students will not be able to join in Term 3. Prior students must have completed a level and received their certificate before being allowed to join the next level, except for new students. Gold level students must have completed their Silver Award.

  • Pathway to Academic Success (Monday and Wednesday Grades 6 – 9)

This time provides students with an opportunity to complete homework and assignments with additional teacher support. We prefer students to attend regularly and stay the entire time. Parents must email us if the student has to leave the session early.

  • Study Club (Wednesday Grades 10 to 12)

Any student in Grades 10 to 12 who are looking for an academic setting to complete tasks or to get support with learning are welcome to join us in the library every Wednesday from 15:10 to 16:20. Students are welcome to attend regularly to develop study routines, but can also drop in as and when they need help.

  • Rock Climbing (Wednesday and Friday Grades 3 – 12)

This beginner-intermediate level climbing ECA covers essential knots, how to belay (older participants), basic technique, and how to train. Safety is essential, and we focus each session on partner checking. We start with warm ups and stretching before we climb on top ropes. Climbing shoes are helpful, but not essential.

  • Pottery (Tuesday and Wednesday Grades 1 – 12)

In this ECA, students will learn how to work with the medium of clay. They will learn how to make vessels/sculptures using their hands. They can feel free to use their imagination and creativity to make clay works, vessels and abstract forms. Also, the first few sessions they will be taught how to use the sculpting tools and how to tackle the problems associated with clay. We will use different types and colours of clay as well as applying glaze to colour the sculptures.

  • Junior Math Club (Wednesday Grades 9-10)

The Junior Math Club aims to help students further extend their mathematical problem-solving skills. We also prepare for the annual ISMTF Mathematics Competition for international schools.

  • Senior Math Club "L Factor" (Monday Grades10-12)

The Senor Math Club “L-Factor” aims to help students further extend their mathematical problem-solving skills. We also practise individual Math competition skills and play team problem solving games to prepare for the annual ISMTF International Mathematics Competition.

  • Girls Stretch and Zen (Wednesday Grades 6-12)

The "Stretch and Zen" class for grades 6-12 blends bodyweight exercises, Pilates, and yoga for a full-body workout. It strengthens the core, improves flexibility, and promotes balance. With mindful breathing and stretches, students enhance body awareness, resilience, and mental calm, fostering overall physical and emotional well-being.

  • World Scholar's Cup (Tuesday Grades 6-9)

​Students can choose to compete at a regional competition leading them to compete at the Tournament of Champions at Yale University.

  • ACE Academic Coaching for Everyone - Study Club (Wednesday Grades 9 to 12)

Any student in Grades 9 to 12 who are looking for an academic setting to complete tasks or to get support with learning are welcome to join us in the library every Wednesday from 15:10 to 16:20. Students are welcome to attend regularly to develop study routines, but can also drop in as and when they need help.

  • External Instructor ECA Music classes

All one to one, instrument classes are scheduled directly with the teacher due to availability between 3pm and 8pm on school days. No experience required and all levels welcomed. Instruments are either provided or rentals can be arraigned for students. Instrument classes available include: Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano, Voice, Trumpet, Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Cello. Note: these classes have different hours and prices then other ECA's. Please contact Joe Smith, the Co-Curricular Music coordinator for more information and to sign up at:

Unfortunately guitar lessons with Gary Norman are at full capacity and so he won't be able to accept new students for the summer term. However, Gary is starting new group classes on Saturdays and would be happy to offer places to BBIS students.

These classes will include individual lessons and groups for Beginner Guitar and Beginner Ukulele. Intermediate groups are also possible depending on interest. The lessons will take place at EigenART Studio in Prenzlauer Berg. For more information on availability and costs please contact

BBIS Panthers Athletics

Track and Field Athletics, U14 Volleyball, Badminton, and Table Tennis Season
(Monday to Friday Grades 6 – 12)

Next season we will have training for U14 boys and Girls, Varsity and Junior Varsity Boys and Girls teams. These teams will train and prepare for competition against Berlin schools as well as compete in the German International Schools Sports Tournaments (U14 and Varsity).

Co-Curricular Instrumental Music Programme

Please click here for further details. All one on one, instrumental classes are scheduled directly Joe Smith, the Co-Curricular Instrumental Music Programme Coordinator. No experience required and all levels welcomed. Instruments are either provided or rentals can be arraigned for students.

Group Classes

  • Music Theory

Teacher - Jeremy Viner
Class size 2 - 5 students

Music theory provides a framework for understanding how the building blocks of music work. Lessons will cover the foundations of music theory from a western classical music perspective. This includes the fundamentals of pitches, rhythm, intervals, meter, scales, modes, counterpoint, consonance, dissonance, melody, and harmony. Depending on skill and interest, further topics of classical forms, serialism, jazz harmony/improvisation, and avant-garde composition can be explored.

  • Ear Training

Teacher - Jeremy Viner
Class size 2 - 5 students

Ear training is a great way to develop your musical ear, changing the way you listen to, enjoy, and create music. We’ll practice recognizing pitches, intervals, triads, tetrads, functional harmony, and melodic dictation. Depending on skill and interest, further topics of atonal dictation, inner voice leading, and harmonic juxtaposition can be explored.

  • Music Production

Teacher - Carl Morgan
Class size 2 - 5 students

Music production is more and more a part of modern musical expression. Therefore this class will explore the complete process of producing, recording, mixing and mastering of any and all styles of music. Using Midi , samples and creating electronic music will also be incorporated. This will mostly be taught using the music program Logic.

  • Classical Ensemble

Teacher - Zsolt Magyar
Class size 2 - 6 students

This will be an ensemble class that will explore compositions/etudes from the classical tradition and will focus on performing, accompanying and playing together.

  • Brass Ensemble / or Small group ensemble with mixed instrumentation

Teacher - Madeleine Ertel
Class size 2 - 5 students

This ensemble will focus on performance, accompaniment and playing together in a mixed and variance of styles. From classic Brass ensemble to modern day Pop/ Rock. Depending on instrumentation and the wishes of the students, Madeleine will be happy to direct them, propose appropriate songs/pieces or help them transcribe parts directly from recorded music.